To facilitate the formative years of tomorrow`s role models, schools today need the very best of infrastructure facilities.
Aadhav School has WiFi and camera enabled infrastructure comprising of well- ventilated, spacious classrooms, laboratories with latest equipment, computer lab with latest technologies, a well-stocked library, an art room to showcase the creative flair of the students and an AV room, designed to meet the pedagogical needs of students.
A vast playground with a colourful, fresh floral fence has sufficient play material to make school a pleasurable experience for pupils.
Our classrooms are the workshops for intellectual development of our pupils. Our laboratories give ample opportunities to our little scientist who can prepare themselves to give their best inventions to the world of tomorrow. Reading makes a full man. Our library fits the best to make themselves versatile in this world. To equip the students to face any challenges in life and to reach for levels of achievements they have not attempted before by providing an infrastructure equipped with latest technologies and modern amenities.
School libraries have positive impact on students’ achievements. Our school library provides easy access to different subject books. Our school has an excellently furnished library with spacious and good ventilation. This atmosphere gives the students to enjoy their reading. Our librarians are always present there to guide our students. Our school library is well equipped with encyclopedias, dictionaries, facts, biographies, journals, newspaper, magazines etc.,
The School has a computer laboratory with 30 computers in the lab accessible to students. It has advanced infrastructure in terms of hardware and software which cater to the requirements of the students, teachers and the curriculum. The school is equipped with a dedicated Internet connection for enterprising students get a chance to be familiar with the Internet. They do comprehensive research for their projects and presentations.
The Information Technology curriculum has been planned in such a way that the students of Grades 1 to 8 will get exposure to various technologies and softwares. In the primary section, the students are trained to use basic softwares like Windows, MS-Office (Ms-Word, MS-PowerPoint, Ms-Excel etc.).
The use of digital board within classroom settings is superior than usual board in promoting and integrated curriculum. It will make a greater impact on students learning. It can also be used as presentation tool for the students’ project. Visual learning through this board stays longer in the younger in the young mind of the children.
Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms. It is all about understanding. Aadhav Public School Math-lab engages the students actively in the material so as to provide a bigger picture behind theorems, results and process. Our lab helps the students to recognize specific strength and weakness. Math-lab provides an opportunity for the students to discover through doing, which lays down a base for more abstract thinking.
Our school Math-lab has various materials which helps the students to widen their experimental base and prepares the ground for later learning of new areas in mathematics and for making appropriate connections. Puzzles and games in our lab help the students to learn the use of rules and constraints. It builds interest and confidence in the students in learning and doing mathematics.
In Aadhav Public School, science laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology is a well-equipped zone providing experimental learning experience to students and promoting scientific thinking skills.
Most of the concepts taught in the classroom are also reinforced using available lab resources. The prime focus is on innovation in teaching learning methodologies by devising student friendly and students centered paradigms.
Games and sports increase self-esteem and mental alertness. It teaches the children life skills like teamwork, leadership, patience and many more. In order to supplement the academic efforts of the students the promotion of sports is also essential. So, we have introduced an array of sports activities at our school campus such as: Athletics, Badminton, Ball Badminton, Cricket, Cycling, Chess, Carom, Football, Hand Ball, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Netball, Rugby, Softball, Table Tennis, Throw Ball and Volleyball.
Music and dance are integral part of our school curriculum. Music programs provide opportunities to enhance student learning, achievement and performance in music and dance. It encourages the students who are not performing well in the general curriculum. The music room is equipped with a lot of musical instruments.
To meet the needs of preliminary medical help, our school has a well-equipped bed medical room. Regular medical check-up camps and vaccination camps are organized term wise by expert medical practitioners. We have a stretcher, wheel chair, oxygen cylinder and other basic and necessary medical aids.
We work with parents and guardians to achieve the optimum success rate of every student. We welcome the involvement of parents and guardians and get regular feedbacks about anything which can be any help for the students. We always try to promote, maintain and develop opportunities for the harmonious development of our students.
The school has a well-organized House System comprising four houses. The main feature of House Systems is the competition between Houses. Commendable academic and non-academic achievements are the areas of competition between these houses. Essay writing, debates, extempore, speech, singing, dance, mono-acting and many more events are conducted during these inter-house competitions. These events not only provide a break from the classroom learning but also stimulate the child’s creative talents.
Teachers provide the students with latest information regarding the various competitions held in different regions at various times. Visiting lectures/facilitators are also invited by the school authorities to provide recent strategies in techniques. Students who are experiencing severe emotional difficulties or personal problems and who need additional assistance can seek confidential and sensitive support and counselling from their trustworthy teachers.
Celebration of all major festivals, depicting their social relevance, is an integral part of the Indian culture. To develop a respect for our festivals and values, we arrange many co-curricular activities and special assemblies on different religious and national festivals.
The primary objective and intent of our school is to awaken the intelligence in the educator and the student. Educational trips that form a part of the school curriculum are very valuable as they provide the students the opportunity of learning through travel, especially to places that they may not otherwise get to visit. More important, however, these trips emphasize the attentive mind, enabling a sense of discovery and exposure. We organize these educational tours and trips on frequent basis every year.
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